Volunteer Enrollment Form Name* First Middle Last Address* Street Address Apt.# City State ZIP Date of Birth:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone*Email* Veteran?* Yes No Federal Diversity Reporting Requirements The following information is for statistical purposes only. Providing this information is voluntary.Race* Caucasian Black Asian Pacific Islander Native American/Alaskan Ethnicity* Hispanic/Latino Non-Hispanic/Latino Gender* Male Female Physical Limitations (if any)Skills/ Education/Special Training/Volunteer Experience (if any):Are you a seasonal volunteer?* Yes No Time Available* Morning Afternoon Evening Days Available* Sun Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat Focus Areas and Activities of Interest (check all that apply)* Veterans Food Delivery/Distribution Companion Services Mentoring/Tutoring Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Medical Driver/Escort Other Are you currently volunteering?* Yes No If yes, where?Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense or misdemeanor?* Yes No How will you get to your volunteer site?* Drive Public Transportation Friend INFORMATION FOR VOLUNTEER ACCIDENT INSURANCERSVP provides mileage reimbursement for travel between the volunteer’s home and volunteer site. Will you be claiming mileage reimbursement for travel?* Yes No Driver’s License #StateDriver’s License Expiration Date MM slash DD slash YYYY As a volunteer of RSVP, you will be covered by accident and personal liability insurance plus a $2,500 death benefit while performing volunteer duties. This coverage is automatic and free of cost to you, so long as you are an active, enrolled member of RSVP.Emergency Contact*Emergency Contact Phone*Beneficiary Name*Beneficiary Relationship*Beneficiary Address* Street Address Apt.# City State ZIP Automobile*Insurance*Company*By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the following statements: I hereby state that I am 55 years of age or older and offer my services as a volunteer for the Pinellas Opportunity Council, Inc. Retired Senior Volunteer Program. I understand that I am not an employee of the RSVP project, the sponsor, Pinellas County, the volunteer station or the Federal Government and agree to serve without compensation. I understand that in my capacity as an RSVP volunteer I may come into contact with confidential information. I agree to protect this information to the best of my ability and not to disclose it during or after my service as a volunteer has ended. I understand that if I use my personal automobile in my volunteer service, I will arrange to keep in effect the automobile liability insurance equal to or greater to the minimum requirements of the state of Florida. I will also keep in effect a valid Florida Driver’s license. Volunteer Signature*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Home About Us Programs Locations News/Events Donate Contact Us FollowFollow